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Bitmap Image  |  1998-10-05  |  630KB  |  475x1321  |  8-bit (256 colors)
Labels: brass | train
OCR: To deport people to ghet tos tration camps labor camps and death camps, the German government had an intricate transportation network. Methods transport ranged from hor se -drawn wagons river barges, but most prisone were deported on fre ight trains The trains normally used for this DUI rpose consisted cars Cf the "Karisruhe' model fifteen ton box cars built af poom and steei with siidfna doors and small high windows which were covered with barbed wire. The Gernan guards pushed 80 120 people into each of these cars, and locked the doors behind thern They provided iittie or no food and water, and often just one bucket per car for bodiiy waste. Ir the summer. the heat in the cars was Su focatins, and often in the north iern- European winters. the temperature was beiow-freezing. The overi loa ...